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SRF SFY 2022 Annual Reports Now Available

December 19, 2022
SRF SFY 2022 Annual Reports Now Available

Iowa State Revolving Fund (SRF) issues two documents each year for the Clean Water SRF and the Drinking Water SRF Programs: the Intended Use Plan (IUP) and the Annual Report. The Intended Use Plans are published at the beginning of the state fiscal year and outline the goals and objectives for each program area and are updated quarterly. Annual Reports are published after the end of the state fiscal year and show results, accomplishments, and how well the goals and objectives were met.

The Iowa SRF has provided over $4.5 billion in cumulative assistance as of SFY 2022 and continues to be an effective and cost-efficient mechanism for financing projects to protect water quality and public health.

Detailed information is included in the fiscal year 2022 SRF Annual Report for the Clean Water and Drinking Water Programs covering July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

2022 Annual Report

 2022 Annual Report Coordinator, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 515-725-0498 or